Section: New Results

Energy management in transport

Energy management for an hybrid vehicle

Participants : Florine Bleuse, Frédéric Bonnans, Pierre Martinon.

In the framework of the PhD thesis of F.Bleuse, 'Optimal control and robustness for rechargeable hybrid vehicles'. The study is focused on the so-called parallel architecture, with both the thermal and electric engines able to move the vehicle. The main axis is to optimize the use of the thermal engine. We started to develop a methodology with two time scales for solving the problem of computing a feedback control.

Collaboration with the startup Safety Line

Participants : Frédéric Bonnans, Pierre Martinon, Olivier Tissot.

We pursue our collaboration with Safety Line, using more refined atmospheric models (including for instance predicted wind data). Future works include high performance optimization for the cruise phase as well as analyzing the validity of the parameter estimation performed with the data from the flight recorders.

Figure 1. Parameter identification and trajectory optimization
IMG/safetyline-bocop.png IMG/figSLbocop2.png